Jan 15, 2024
If you have (or want to start) a personal brand…
But you don’t feel like you have enough credibility...
If people aren’t taking you seriously…
If people don’t trust you enough to buy your products yet…
Today we’re going to talk about a shortcut you can take that will allow you to get credibility..
And most importantly to get CUSTOMERS.
This shortcut won’t require waiting 1-2 years while you create content to build your social media audience.
If you want to get more clients by writing a book, get a FREE copy of my newest book Get Clients With a Book here:
If you are struggling to choose your niche, get a FREE copy of my book Nail Your Niche here:
This podcast was originally a YouTube video, you can watch that video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrJkHONX31M
Written version on the blog here: https://www.brianellwood.net/blog/5
If you enjoyed this episode, consider leaving a rating. It truly helps. Thank you for listening.
Join 3,000+ readers of Creators Corner, the FREE weekly letter on how to grow your brand, get clients, and enjoy life:
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3yk3UCc8kXDCvw88eKm5kQ
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-ellwood-125a17195/
Website - https://www.brianellwood.net
I got my entrepreneurial start in the world of real estate investing around 2011. I flipped hundreds of houses and purchased dozens of rental properties. I then started a coaching business and helped hundreds of clients buy their first rental properties. After 5 years of coaching investors, I fell in love with the coaching and education industry and started helping clients start coaching and consulting businesses of their own.
I live in Colorado with my wife and two daughters. I spend most of my time with my family, working on my business, and doing fun stuff like yoga, kickboxing, parkour, and frisbee golf. I love to play video games (Counterstrike mainly), drink margaritas, smoke a good cigar, drink delicious coffee, and goof off with my friends.